Meet every Thursday afternoon at 2:00 pm in the the Community Room at THE DRIVE METHODIST CHURCH. The Members have been very busy knitting lots of jumpers,… Read more “KNIT AND NATTER GROUP”
Category: Meetings
Lent Course Monday 16th March 2 – 3pm
Lent Course, ‘Unusual Kindness’.This week ‘Trust’, is the 3rd of 5 weekly sessions and is led this week by Judith Smith. Come along you don’t have to have been to any previously.

Events at The Drive 15th -17th January.
Tues 15th 2.15 for 2.30 Mens Group Fellowship.
Mr Malcolm Hancock
Wed. 16th 2.15 pm. Ladies Fellowship.
Bill Bissett ‘The Bagpipes’

4 pm. Choir Rehearsal.

Thurs 17th 10 am. Mission & Ministries Meeting
12pm Tai Chi, gentle exercise for all.

2.00 pm Social Afternoon.
Golf (but not as you know it.) Tea & biscuits

Note on Saturday 19th Swish is postponed.
POSTPONED. I have been listening to feedback and have taken the decision to postpone the Swish that was planned for next Saturday, 19th Jan.
Monday 10th December. Advent meeting 2 pm.
This is the 4th of our Advent meetings. The 4 All’s of Methodism.
How relevant are they for today’s church?
Do come along if you can. This week led by Rev Stephen Heath.
The Drive Church Open Day 28th February.
Wednesday 28th 10.30 – 2.30 pm. Church Open Day.
At 12pm a short Service.
Followed by a light lunch.
Do come along to look at our Church and take a moment to enjoy the quiet and stillness. Just call in or stay a while.
If you wish, join our short half hour service at 12 pm. and if you have the time enjoy the light lunch in the Community room after the service.
St Annes Ecumenical Lent Courses 2018
Starting on 19th or 21st or 22nd February (See Below). St Annes Ecumenical Lent Courses each consisting of 5 sessions: Same Course at each venue so if you can’t attend one day in a particular week at a centre you can attend at one of the other places.
Evenings Course: 7.30 – 9 pm Mondays at U.R.C. St Annes.
Afternoon Course: 2.30—3.30 pm Wednesdays at St Thomas’ C of E.
Morning Course: 9—10 am. Thursdays at U.R.C. St Annes,
Session 1. Welcoming the stranger.
Thursday 12th October. 10.00 Church Council Meeting. 12 pm Tai Chi
Church Council Meeting in the community Room 10.00.
Council members can pick up their agendas from the foyer at the back of church. See you there..
Tai Chi 12 pm. Do join us for this weekly gentle exercise session.
Come on give it a try. ALL ARE WELCOME AT THE DRIVE
Meeting with Deacon Denise Creed Tuesday 18th July, 2.15 pm for 2.30
This is a chance to say farewell to Denise who is leaving the Circuit in August for pastures new.
Denise is talking on ‘Her experiences in life’
Everyone is welcome to this open meeting. Refreshments to start with at 2.15. £1
Denise’s farewell service will be at Church Road Methodist Church on the 30th July at 6.30 pm.
Monday 3rd April. The last of our Lenten meetings. 1.30 pm in the Community room.
This is the last of our Lenten meetings. Do feel you can join us. The meetings are led by our minister Revd Dr Adrian Burdon. Audio/visual materials are used to stimulate our thoughts and the meetings are independent of each other, so whether you have been to them all, some or non, you will be welcome if you are able to attend.
All are welcome at The Drive. Be brave and give it a go, you can sit and listen and enjoy the company.
Our next Lenten Meeting Monday 27th March
Come and join our Lenten discussions led by our minister the Rev. Dr Adrian Burdon. This is the 4th meeting of the series but each one is independent so even if you haven’t attended the others you can come to this one. The meetings are stimulated by audio/visual content.
Do come along, join the discussion or just sit, listen and enjoy the company.
All are welcome at The Drive.
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