Church Activities 30th January – 1st February inc. 2018

Tuesday 30th Jan,. 2.15 for 2.30 pm. Mens Group.

Rev Adrian Burden.

Do come along, we are always looking to welcome new people.  Come by yourself or bring a friend.  Tea & biscuits at 2.15.

Wednesday 31st Church Open Day 10.30 – 2.30 pm.

12 noon a Short 30 min. Service.

A light lunch is available after the Service.

Wednesday 31st 2.30 pm. Ladies’ Fellowship

Rev Dr Adrian  Burdon,  ‘Return to Tonga’

Wednesday 31st Choir Rehearsal 4 – 5 pm in the Community room.

 Thursday 1st February 12 – 1 pm. Tai Chi.  Gentle Exercise for All.  Come and give it a try.

Thursday 1st February 2 pm Social Afternoon.  Quiz.  Do come and join us for this fun quiz.  Nothing serious.

ALL ARE ALWAYS WELCOME TO THE DRIVE. Come to any or all of the above activities.  You are invited.



Activities 16th – 18th January 2018

Tuesday 16th, Mens Group. 2.15 for 2.30 pm. This week is a ‘Discussion group’

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Do come and join us, we are always looking for new members.

Wednesday 17th, Ladies Fellowship. 2.30 pm

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Richard Golding, ‘A scamper through British Royal History 1066 – 2017’

Do come along, tea & biscuits also enjoyed during the afternoon.

Wednesday 17th, Choir Rehearsal 4 pm New members welcome.

Thursday 18th, Note that Tai Chi is cancelled this week.  Back as usual 12 pm next Thursday.

Thursday 18th, 2 – 3.30 pm Social Afternoon,‘Cricket”  Join us for a fun afternoon + tea & biscuits.

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Thursday 16th Nov. 12 pm. Tai Chi; 2 pm. Social Afternoon; Friday 17th 10.30 am. Coffee Morning.

Thursday 12 – 1 pm. Tai Chi. Gentle Exercise for all.  Come and join us.

Thursday 2 pm. Social Afternoon.  ‘Try Your Luck’  Do come along for a fun afternoon and tea and biscuits All Welcome.

Friday  10.30 – 12 pm. is our regular, popular Coffee Morning.  You are invited.


You will be welcome at any or all of these activities whether you are a church person or not.


Thursday 19th October 12 pm. Tai Chi. 2 pm. Social Afternoon

12 pm Tai Chi Gentle Exercise for all. Do come along and give it a try.

2 pm. Social Afternoon.  This week we are having fun playing Yahtzee.  We are not at all skilled but enjoy the fellowship and fun.  If you haven’t played before or if you have some knowledge of the game do come along and join us.

We all look forward to the tea and biscuits tea and biscuits afterwards.

You are invited to either or both of these events whether you are a church member or not.Do come along and give them a try.


Thursday 5th October 12pm Tai Chi: and 2 pm. – 3.30. Social Afternoon

You are invited to join either or both of these activities.

Tai Chi is at 12 pm., for an hour of gentle exercise for all.

The Social Afternoon is 2pm -3.30.  Our Social afternoons are open to all and we encourage you to come along and give it a try, either by yourself if you are brave or with a friend.  You will be very welcome.  This week we have a DVD so you can just sit and relax and watch the film.  There is also tea and biscuits to look forward to.  We will look forward to seeing you.  You don’t have to be a church person.


Beetle Drive May 18th photo

Thanks for a great Beetle Drive.  Enjoyed by all who attended.  Good atmosphere, fun and company.  It was lovely to move round the tables and meet new and old friends.  Photo  below.


Refreshments halfway through, Much needed tea and cake were very welcome.