Friday 31st March. Its time for coffee again.

Its here again Friday Morning Coffee in the Community Room 10.30 am. – 12 pm.  Do call in for coffee and biscuits and a warm welcome.  We would love to see you whether you are a regular, visitor or on holiday.

Drop in for a quick cuppa or a longer stay.  Enjoy the coffee and the company.

All are Welcome at The Drive


Ladies Fellowship Meeting 29th March 2.30 pm.

This week is our AGM.  Do come along to the meeting and if possible have ideas that can be discussed.  We are always looking for ways of attracting new members. Come anyway your support is always welcome.  If you haven’t been before have the courage to give it a go.  Anyone is welcome.

All are welcome at The Drive.

The Men’s Group Tuesday 28th March 2.15 pm.

This week is our AGM.  Your thoughts are wanted for anything you would like to do differently.  We are always on the look out for ideas that may attract new members.  If you haven’t been before do feel you will be welcome.  Tea & biscuits 2.15 meeting start 2.30 pm.

Do come along and support the Group.

All are always welcome at The Drive.

Our next Lenten Meeting Monday 27th March

Come and join our Lenten discussions led by our minister the Rev. Dr Adrian Burdon.  This is the 4th meeting of the series but each one is independent so even if you haven’t attended the others you can come to this one.  The meetings are stimulated by audio/visual content.

Do come along, join the discussion or just sit, listen and enjoy the company.

All are welcome at The Drive.