Stephen’s Letter 6th August, BBC Services,Readings commencing 9th Aug and this week’s Reflection.

Dear All

The Drive Methodist Church will be opening for Worship on 9th August at 10.30 a.m. led by the Circuit Staff. The invitation, how to book and information about the Service are now available in an accompanying document and on the church website. Sorry there’s lots of reading but Government and The Methodist Church guidelines require us to do this. Deadline for booking is 9.00 p.m. on Friday each week.

The first South Fylde Circuit Sunday Morning Zoom Service took place last week and will continue each Sunday at 10.30 a.m. It is an opportunity for people to join the Circuit Service at The Drive from their own home or wherever they are via the internet. Please see the invitation to join for more information. Deadline for booking is 9.00 p.m. on Friday each week.  This allows time for us to issue joining details and make sure we can accommodate everyone.


Please check the programme schedules on the day. If you are struggling to find what you are looking for there is more information, including online worship, on the church website or please contact Stephen see below.

BBC Radio Lancashire – Sunday 9th August – 8.00 a.m. Morning Service

BBC Radio 4 – Sunday 9th August – 8.10 a.m. Sunday Worship “The Cross and Liberation”

BBC 1 – Sunday 9th August – 1.15 p.m. Songs of Praise – The National Trust

Daily – BBC Radio 2 – 5.45 a.m. and 9.20 a.m. – Pause for thought and BBC Radio 4 – at 7.45 a.m. – Daily

Readings for the week commencing 9th August – Servant of All

SundayMatthew 14: 22-33Psalm 85STF 570As we gather, Father, seal us  
Monday  John 12: 20-50Psalm 102: 1-11  STF 249Jesu, Jesu
TuesdayJohn 13: 1-11Psalm 102: 12-28  STF 718We lay our broken world
WednesdayJohn 13: 12-20Psalm 103STF 101Before the world began  
Thursday  John 13: 21-30  Psalm 104: 1-23STF 620Thou God of truth and love
FridayJohn 13: 31-38Psalm 104: 24-35  STF 625Deep in the darkness a starlight is gleaming  
SaturdayGalatians 4: 4-7Psalm 45STF 120We gladly celebrate and praise  

Remember you are never alone. We are never more than a phone call or email away. We Please keep in touch and keep safe.