Wed. 27th Feb. 12 pm Midweek Worship.
This is a lovely short service of about 25 mins, much appreciated by those who attend. Do give it a try. Church is open from 11 am if you wish to come earlier or just come at 12 for the service. Coffee/tea & biscuits available afterward.

Sunday 3rd March. Sunday before Lent. Two Services
9.00 am ‘Said’ Holy Communion
A short service of about 30 minutes led by Rev Stephen Heath

10.30 am Morning Worship
Led by Mr Richard Golding.
This is a longer service of about an hour with hymn singing. Our average congregation is around 70 but we are always looking to increase this so do come along and join us either by yourself or with a friend. You will be very welcome.
Join us in the Community room for coffee/tea & biscuits afterward.
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