Readings for the week commencing 2nd August – Newness of Life
Sunday | Matthew 14: 13-21 | Psalm 145 | STF 401 | Come, sinners, to the gospel feast |
Monday | John 11: 28-37 | Psalm 95 | STF 457 | Author of faith, eternal Word |
Tuesday | John 11: 38-44 | Psalm 96 | STF 306 | Now the green blade rises from the buried grain |
Wednesday | John 11: 45-57 | Psalm 97 | STF 492 | Christ be my leader by night as by day |
Thursday | Luke 9: 28-36 | Psalm 47 | STF 261 | Transfigured Christ, none comprehends |
Friday | John 12: 1-11 | Psalm 98 | STF 56 | King of glory, King of Peace |
Saturday | John 12: 12 -19 | Psalm 99 | STF 263 | Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest! |
*Not everyone will have a *STF hymn book so we have put the first line of the hymn alongside so that you can look it up in another hymn book or google it or play it on You Tube.
If you would like some background on the readings and points to ponder please go to
You may want to read all three elements at once or others may prefer to space them out during the day – breakfast, dinner and tea. What works for you? Some may need to set an alarm on their phone so that they don’t forget, while others will not be able to do anything else until readings are read and prayers shared. You will find a pattern that works for you and gives a framework for your day.
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