Dear All
I am pleased to say that next month, exact date to be confirmed, The Drive Methodist Church will be opening for Morning Worship. As I indicated two weeks ago it will be different, shorter, no singing …… in order to be compliant with Government guidelines and you will need to book in. Once we have a definite date and all the practical arrangements are in place, I will provide more information. Please pray for the preparations.
The 26th July is Rev Sylvester Deigh’s last Sunday in the Circuit. As advised previously the farewell service has been postponed until restrictions allow us to meet together as planned and celebrate his ministry among us.
Virtually Keswick Convention 27th – 31st July 2020
Hope in Jesus something for adults, children and youth. It promises to be a great time to meet with God through His Word, together. The Bible Reader will be Christopher Ash, Writer-in-Residence at Tyndale House in Cambridge, who will speak on ‘Hope in Jesus’ from the Psalms.
The bible readings which we have been promoting each week are part of The Methodist Prayer Handbook, the 2020/21 edition will be available at the end of August. The price will be between £4.15 and £4.50 depending on how many orders are received. To order please contact Elaine Watts or 01253 722302. Elaine is happy to take orders for all three churches.
Readings for the week commencing 26th July – The Shepherd’s Glory
Sunday | Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52 | Psalm 119: 129-136 | STF 412 | See how great a flame aspires |
Monday | John 9: 24-41 | Psalm 89: 1-18 | STF 493 | Come, Lord, to our souls come down |
Tuesday | John 10: 1-10 | Psalm 89: 19-37 | STF 480 | The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want |
Wednesday | John10: 11-21 | Psalm 90 | STF 482 | There is no moment of my life |
Thursday | John 10: 22-42 | Psalm 91 | STF 355 | Jesus, lover of my soul |
Friday | John 11: 1-16 | Psalm 92 | STF 305 | Low in the grave he lay |
Saturday | John 11: 17 -27 | Psalm 93 | STF 502 | I know that my Redeemer lives |
Remember you are never alone. We are never more than a phone call or email away. We Please keep in touch and keep safe.
Peace be with you
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