This week at The Drive (13th – 17th March). You are welcome to any or all of these events.

Monday 13th  Lent Discussion Group 1.30 pm. led by Rev Dr Adrian Burdon.


Tuesday 14th The Men’s Group 2.15 pm. Illustrated talk By Rev Dr Adrian Burdon.

Wednesday 15th Ladies Fellowship 2.30 pm.  Deacon Denise Creed.

Wednesday 15th Choir Practice. 4.00 pm.

Thursday 16th Church Council Meeting 10.00 am.

Thursday 16th Tai Chi, gentle exercise. 12 – 1.00 pm.


Thursday 16th Social Afternoon,  2 – 3.30 pm. – ‘That’s Entertainment’

Friday 17th Coffee Morning. 10.30 – 12 pm.

Remember: All are Welcome at The Drive.