St Annes URC (next to Aldi). Friday 1st March 2024 – 2:00 p.m. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Light refreshments after the Service. Service prepared by the Christian… Read more “CHURCH EVENTS THIS WEEK”
There’s something for everyone, whether you’re a fan of landscapes, black & white, portraits, sport or even creative digital art. With over 300 prints and and a rolling display of a further 250 images, why not come along and see what’s on offer? This year’s show also includes a small selection of images shown on behalf of Lytham St Annes Twinning Association.
We enjoyed a very successful Circuit afternoon tea in the Hall at The Drive. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon and money was raised for this very important charity.
Circuit Strawberry Tea at The Drive July 2019
Action for Children is the children’s charity of the Methodist Church. It was founded in 1869 by Methodist minister Revd. Thomas Bowman Stephenson in response to the poverty and danger faced by vulnerable and destitute children and young people living rough on the streets of London.
We were very pleased to welcome Rev Val Ogden to lead our Morning Worship on World Church Sunday.
Revd Val Ogden was a Mission Partner, in Fiji ( August 2014 – August 2018) serving as a Director of Theological Education by Extension at the Pacific Theological College (PTC). Val had previously served at the United Church of Zambia (where she was ordained) and her ministry has been exercised in broadcasting, in Methodist Circuits, in ecumenical appointments and in global mission education at Selly Oak and the Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham.
Val referred to these mementos from Fiji in her morning address.We enjoyed our Pastoral Tea with Val in the Afternoon.After which Val led us again In a short service of Worship in the Hall.
Val then had a long journey back to Boston where she is now stationed.
Wed. 15th May. District Chair’s Coastal Walk. The Rev. Paul Davis, our District Chair, is walking the coastal strip of the Lancashire District. As part of this walk he will visit us at The Drive at Approx 10 am.
First arrivals outside The DriveA few of the walkers with Paul.
After this Sunday’s Worship we had the pleasure of celebrating a wonderful lady’s special birthday. Singing Happy Birthday and enjoying Birthday cake and coffee in the Community room.
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