Visit of Rev Dr Val Ogden 12th May 2019

We were very pleased to welcome Rev Val Ogden to lead our Morning Worship on World Church Sunday.

Revd Val Ogden was a  Mission Partner, in Fiji ( August 2014 –  August 2018) serving as a Director of Theological Education by Extension at the Pacific Theological College (PTC). Val  had previously served at the United Church of Zambia (where she was ordained) and her ministry has been exercised in broadcasting, in Methodist Circuits, in ecumenical appointments and in global mission education at Selly Oak and the Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham.

Val referred to these mementos from Fiji in her morning address.
We enjoyed our Pastoral Tea with Val in the Afternoon.
After which Val led us again In a short service of Worship in the Hall.

Val then had a long journey back to Boston where she is now stationed.