Readings for the week commencing 10th January 2021 – The Waters of Salvation
Sunday | Mark 1: 4-11 | Psalm 29 | STF 233 | When Jesus came to Jordan |
Monday | Isaiah 43: 1-7 | Psalm 50: 1-15 | STF 440 | Amazing grace – how sweet the sound |
Tuesday | Acts 10: 34-43 | Psalm 51 | STF 348 | He is Lord, he is Lord |
Wednesday | Hebrews 1: 1-12 | Psalm 53 | STF 199 | Glory be to God on high |
Thursday | Joshua 3: 1-17 | Psalm 54 | STF 744 | Come, let us join our friends above |
Friday | Isaiah 55: 1-11 | Psalm 55: 1-8 | STF 401 | Come, sinners, to the Gospel feast |
Saturday | Romans 6: 1-11 | Psalm 55: 16-22 | STF 538 | Now through the grace of God we claim |
Readings for the week commencing 17th January 2021 – Messianic Ministry
Sunday | John 1: 43-51 | Psalm 139 | STF 350 | I cannot tell why he, whom angels worship |
Monday | Luke 4: 16-30 | Psalm 56 | STF 239 | Sent by the Lord am I |
Tuesday | Luke 4: 31-44 | Psalm 57: 1-3, 7-11 | STF 653 | O Christ, the Healer, we have come |
Wednesday | Luke 5: 1-11 | Psalm 61 | STF 558 | Lord, you have come to the seashore |
Thursday | Luke 5: 12-16 | Psalm 63: 1-8 | STF 448 | Lord, in the strength of grace |
Friday | Luke 5: 17-26 | Psalm 65 | STF 258 | You are the Vine |
Saturday | Luke 5: 27-39 | Psalm 66-1-12 | STF 660 | Called by Christ to be disciples |
Readings for the week commencing 24th January 2021 – Kingdom Priorities
Sunday | Mark 1: 14-20 | Psalm 62 | STF 355 | Jesus, lover of my soul |
Monday | Galatians 1: 11-24 | Psalm 67 | STF 450 | Open, Lord, my inward ear |
Tuesday | Luke 6: 1-11 | Psalm 150 | STF 244 | Blest are the pure in heart |
Wednesday | Luke 6: 12-16 | Psalm 68: 1-6, 32-35 | STF 401 | Come, sinners, to the gospel feast |
Thursday | Luke 6: 17-31 | Psalm 69: 1-18 | STF 650 | Heal us, Immanuel! Hear our prayer |
Friday | Luke 6: 32-38 | Psalm 69: 30-36 | STF 513 | Take this moment, sign, and space |
Saturday | Luke 6: 39-49 | Psalm 70 | STF 197 | Cradled in a manger meanly |
Readings for the week commencing 31st January 2021 – Healing Faith
Sunday | Mark 1: 21-28 | Psalm 111 | STF 251 | Jesus Christ is waiting |
Monday | Luke 7: 1-10 | Psalm 72 | STF 655 | We cannot measure how you heal |
Tuesday | Luke 2: 22-32 | Psalm 24 | STF 232 | Through long years of watchful waiting |
Wednesday | Luke 7: 11-17 | Psalm 71: 1-16 | STF 306 | Now the green blade rises from the buried grain |
Thursday | Luke 7: 18-23 | Psalm 71: 17-24 | STF 264 | Make way, make way, for Christ the King |
Friday | Luke 7: 24-30 | Psalm 73: 1-14 | STF 247 | I danced in the morning |
Saturday | Luke 7: 31-35 | Psalm 73: 15-28 | STF 364 | O for a thousand tongues to sing |