Weekly information sheet for the weeks commencing 24th and 31st January 2021

Weekly information sheet for the weeks commencing 24th and 31st January 2021

Following a request from the Directors of Public Health in Lancashire to all faith communities to suspend communal worship to help reduce the spread of Covid-19 and protect the NHS, Worship Services across the Circuit are suspended for the rest of the month.  We will keep you informed through the website and the weekly information sheet as things change. 

For the remainder of the month there will be a live streamed service from one of the Circuit churches. This week it will be led by Rev Stephen Heath from Freckleton at 10.30 a.m. To access the service go to https://www.facebook.com/Freckleton-Methodist-Church-1595263867428520/

Sunday 24th January 7.00 p.m. District Zoom Service led by the South Fylde Circuit – Preacher Rev Nick Wells

To join:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83045763962?pwd=b3ZDa2ZqYUJQUTRGMVgzenBQd01TUT09    Meeting ID: 830 45763962   Password: DZS21

On the 31st January the Service will be led by Rev. Stuart Wild from The Drive at 10.30 a.m.  To access the service go to https://www.facebook.com/The-Drive-Methodist-Church-St-Annes-on-the-Sea-1073502732725389/  or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZhye__Glr3oQQhxLPwznCA

Sundays at 11.30 a.m. There is an invitation to join with others from around the Circuit in fellowship by Zoom. This will be hosted by Deacon Kim To join https://zoom.us/j/98170029407?pwd=L0xONGplak1JNVJuRTZXQmhINTZZUT09

Mondays 6.00-6.15 p.m. Circuit Prayer Meeting via Zoom – To join  Meeting  ID: 830 0454 1832 Passcode: 687000 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83004541832?pwd=d3YzQnN0aGU2TlVXWFZOOWVGYklSZz09

You can also ring in on 01 203 901 7895. This week we are praying for our local communities.

Readings for the week commencing 24th January 2021 – Kingdom Priorities

If you would like some background on the readings and points to ponder please go to https://www.methodist.org.uk/our-faith/the-bible/a-word-in-time/