Stephen’s letter 17th June and this weeks reflection.

Dear All

Please find attached this week’s reflection.

The delay in the lifting of restrictions until the 19th July does mean that we will not be able to hold the 9.00 a.m. Communion Service planned on the 4th July nor the lunch following the service on the 11th July.

We continue to plan for the easing of restrictions but recognise this delay means that most groups are not likely to start up until September or later as would have been their normal pattern after the summer closures. Worship, of course, is already planned until the end of August and the next Plan, September to November, will follow in due course.

Next week will be the last time we are including daily readings on the information sheet. The readings are from The Methodist Prayer Handbook which is widely available and the new edition for 2021-22 will be available to order in a few weeks. If you have appreciated having these readings and have difficulty in obtaining them please let me know.



Rev. Stephen N Heath

Tel: 01772 683884

Mob: 07711 917 955

Email: stephen.heath@churchrdmethodist.o